Misfit Heart
Celebrations,  Poets of the Fall Day

Poets of the Fall – Happy Birthday, Marko Saaresto, sir!

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Here we are again, time flies doesn’t it? ๐Ÿ˜ Today, not only do we celebrate the extraordinary Marko Saaresto’s birthday, but also the World Wide Poets of the Fall day. Happyย  Birthday dear Marko! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿพ

Marko Saaresto, Yum…

Marko Saaresto by Tiia ร–hman
Marko Saaresto by ยฉ Tiia ร–hman

When one hears the name Marko Saaresto, what do you think comes first to mind? Yes, THAT, sorry I couldn’t resist… but not really what I was after ๐Ÿ˜… This past year, I have watched reaction videos about Poets of the Fall and almost all have one thing in common: “Omg, this voice!”. Whether the person reacting is a man or a woman, they all get hooked by Marko’s voice. The emotions he shares with us, modest listeners, are all coming through his voice.

What I love about such videos is to witness what others experience when discovering the music, the same way I do every time I listen to Poets of the Fall. The magic of being touched by a band one has never heard of before. Poets of the Fall’s effect unfailingly moves and brings people together. Marko Saaresto is a frontman who knows how to capture our souls, whether it’d be with his voice or his lyrics, his gifts effortlessly soothe my heart note after note. Yes, I am addicted, so what.

One year has gone… ATS

Marko & Captain
Marko & Captain by ยฉ Tiia ร–hman

2020 is the year I will remember for the gorgeous Alexander Theatre Sessions. During that time, Marko has demonstrated that his gift is limitless. For each song, he brought forth old and new feelings. He made me cry with emotions; he touched me over and over until all I had inside crawled on my skin without restraint. It is hard to believe that a year has already gone since these sessions… they brought such hope during a hopeless time. Marko at their centre, but let’s not forget the incredibly talented brothers and sister surrounding him. They all are such a blessing to the world.

So, one year later, you understand why today of all days, not only should we celebrate Marko Saaresto’s birthday, but also Poets of the Fall – each and everyone one of them, in front and behind the camera.

Marko, Poet … #markopoets

Marko Saaresto: singer, lyricist, poet… wordsmith and magician. Did you know that Marko is featured on a poetry audio book? The title “Worlds into Words” by Flamelight. How fitting! Even when he reads, he enraptures my senses. He is like Sir Ian McKellen, Benedict Cumberbatch or the late Alan Rickman. His voice is a gift which he uses to perfection. A warm blanket that comforts and appeases.

My favourite Alexander Theatre Sessions? I must admit that this is a tough one, truly. If I had to choose just one, I think it would be Jealous Gods though. It brings tears to my eyes every time, but it also makes me smile and generally speaking, this song makes me feel good. Roller-coaster of emotions wrapped in one beautiful song.

Marko Saaresto studio or live

If I look back, I know that I was very impressed by Poets of the Fall from the start and well Marko’s voice left me speechless. The trick though is that I was convinced that the band could not deliver nearly as great on stage as on the studio versions of any of their songs. I think that at that time, the only singer who had blown me away live was Roy Khan… until I listened/saw Marko Saaresto live. I was toast ๐Ÿ˜„.

The amazing thing with Marko is that in Studio, he’ll brilliantly deliver the original emotional intent of a song, while live he may deviate from that at will with different type of intensities and without fail. I never imagined I would be one these fans crying in the audience… well think again dude. This happens only with Poets of the Fall though… why is that do you think?

I know Marko won’t read this, but if he ever does… if you do, Happy Birthday sir! You touch people lives in so many ways and I truly hope and wish that someone special touches your life the same way. ๐Ÿ’–

Thank you all for reading and don’t forget to spread Poets of the Fall’s music today… more than you already do ๐Ÿ˜ Remember to have a piece of cake too… I surely will ๐ŸŽ‚

Until next time, stay safe!

Love, Claire ๐Ÿ˜˜

Available on all official streaming platforms

Last year’s birthday wishes

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