Misfit Heart
  • Poets of the Fall live in Moscow 2013
    Live in Moscow 2013

    Poets of the Fall Magic – Wondrous live in Moscow 2013

    We’re still here! Smiling and expectantly looking ahead 😀 How did you get on… Are you alright? What did you do to better cope? ♥ I virtually visited my family every day, chatted with friends and listened ceaselessly to Poets of the Fall. ♥ ♥ ♥ Do you know, Poets of the Fall magic is all around ♥ whether it’d be in music, thoughts or in dreams. And yet, I miss you ♥ I miss the band ♥  I miss the palpable magic, the energy & the communion. In that spirit, I wanted to write something special, for and with you – Poets fans & Poets. Nothing fancy really, just…